Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things I'm loving...

Lately I've been so busy with HH and the girls, the shop and just life in general I find I really need my me time at night when everyone is in bed and I can sit and create what ever I want - I usually finish up around midnight but the late nights are so worth the break.

On Sunday I dragged, quite literally dragged HH to the Melbourne Affordable Art fair, I go every year to check out any new work but this year was courtesy of Adore Home. I found there were a lot more independent artists selling their work and less galleries involved in the fair, still can't work out which I prefer. One of my  favourite artists who I've blogged about before is David Bromley LOVE his artwork and homewares.

A few pictures from the fair.

David Bromley Homewares
David Bromley Artwork

HH and I then relaxed for a bit before picking up our two very noisy little girls...I think HH wasn't too disappointed he was dragged to an Art show, he especially enjoyed viewing David Bromley's work (above) I'm thinking it wasn't for the same reason as me. 


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