Sunday, March 13, 2011

I've been watching the news all weekend and it's really heartbreaking seeing the images coming from Japan and frankly quite hard to write inspiring blogs but through all these natural disasters we have to look forward to something and for our family it's EASTER. I have started making easter cards to sell at the shop and the girls have been making easter ornaments to give to family and friends, it's such a great thing to do with kids and so easy, thrifty too...

First part of Easter ornaments:

You will need:

Air dry clay - suitable for children it's made from 97% natural substances
Play doh moulds

Firstly cut out your clay shapes, the girls used play doh moulds

I used cookie cutters for my card ornaments -  they look a bit like cookies on the foil, it's much easier to put drying clay on foil or baking paper as it doesn't stick.

Paint shapes white... 

or whatever colour you like - of course the girls chose PINK again

Making a mess

Stay tuned for Part 2 on Easter decorations on Thursday...

and I couldn't resist posting my girls - playing with chains from my HH garage, while HH was...

spray-painting my new or rather old cabinet/lockers white, for my studio  

Stay tuned for my freshly painted cabinets!


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